Internal Support
Specialized educational support services are provided by a team of professionals from the EMSB Student Services Department for our students with specific learning needs.
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Consultant
The ASD consultant provides assistance and guidance to the school team, to students with ASD and to their families. They assess and respond to the needs of the students by supporting the educational personnel in developing their capacity to meet a wide range of needs in the classroom. They facilitate and support the specialized self-contained classes as well as the integration of students with ASD in the regular classroom. They do so through direct intervention, coaching, professional development, and the sharing of resource materials.
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Technician
Assists the ASD consultant in providing support services to the teachers, attendants and behaviour technicians working with students with ASD; they model and guide best practices, strategies and techniques; they provide research-based resource information and programs related to ASD; they collaborate with the ASD Consultant in providing in-service training and professional development.
Speech - Language Pathologist (SLP)
The speech-language pathologist’s primary role is to consult and collaborate with the school team in support of a student’s communication needs. The SLP focuses on the area of language, literacy, social communication, stuttering, and speech. Service delivery is primarily consultative in nature and encompasses prevention, assessment, and short-term focused intervention (for training purposes). After determining the student’s communication needs, the SLP develops programs, materials and strategies to promote optimal functioning in the relevant areas. This is to ensure that all concerned are meeting the student’s communication needs in a coordinated manner.
Interpreter Technician
The interpreter technician provides one-on-one interpretation support to hearing-impaired students – this service includes both oral interpreters and sign language interpreters.
Itinerant Teacher (Montreal Oral School for the Deaf)
Itinerant teachers associated with the provide audiological evaluation and follow up; consultation services for teachers regarding curriculum adaptation; IEP planning and exam modifications; management of hearing aids and other amplification systems; provision of in-service for in-school personnel; academic support to students.
Itinerant Teacher (Montreal Association for the Blind)
Itinerant teachers associated with the provide Braille, taped, large print material, optical devices and other equipment aides for students. As well, they coordinate the support services for both the students and his/her family, provide guidelines for programming, help in the adaptation of materials and provide any necessary adjustments to classroom facilities.
Centre of Excellence for Speech and Language Development
The Centre of Excellence for Speech and Language Development is a service designed to offer support and expertise for the organization of programs and adapted teaching for students with special learning needs. The centre provides students with speech and language difficulties the opportunity to reach their potential.
The position of psychologist encompasses, in particular, the responsibility for prevention and screening activities, providing assistance and guidance to students experiencing or likely to experience social maladjustments or learning difficulties, evaluating the psychological and mental functioning and determining an individualized education plan in order to foster psychological health and restore the mental health of students in interaction with their environment and support them in their educational path and in their personal and social development.
Mental Health Resource Centre
The Mental Health Resource Centre consists of psychologists, guidance counsellors and behaviour specialists with the common goal of providing more support and effective services to address the mental health concerns of the student population. These professionals work with schools, teachers, and parents with the goal of enhancing school life whether via prevention, consultation, and/or intervention.
Special Education Technician
The Special Education Technician works with a multidisciplinary team to apply special education techniques and methods in keeping with an individualized education plan intended for students with handicaps or students with social maladjustments or learning difficulties or in keeping with a program designed for students requiring specific support. The special education technician prepares, organizes and conducts educational or pedagogical support activities as well as cultural, recreational and sports activities designed to develop social, cognitive, and communication skills.
Attendant to Students with Handicaps
The job of an attendant with regard to the students with handicaps consists of assisting handicapped students in participating in activities related to their schooling. They assist a student in moving from one location to another, ensure his or her well-being, hygiene and safety according to the instructions received in keeping with the individualized education plan. They record observations concerning the student’s needs and behaviour and may be required to relay information to teachers, parents and other designated staff and give their advice on the measure specified in the individualized education plan.
Occupational Therapist (OT)
The occupational therapist (OT) provides a school-based consultative service to students who are displaying difficulties at school due to fine motor, gross motor, perceptual, and/ or sensory processing challenges. OTs use in-class observations, screenings and/or evaluations to identify personal and environmental factors that may interfere with a student’s functioning and learning. In collaboration with teachers, parents, other professionals, and special needs education support staff, OTs make recommendations for school-based intervention plans as well as recommend adaptive aids to help improve a student’s occupational performance.
Transition École Vie Active (TEVA) Consultant
The TEVA consultant helps ensure a smooth transition by guiding and supporting students and their families through the challenges of transitioning from the youth sector to adult life. Additionally, the consultant works in collaboration with the Health Sector and community organizations in order to facilitate access to services and maintain a collaborative relationship with the students and their family. The TEVA consultant also works closely with various professionals from the Student Services Department as well as the school team to facilitate the transition of the students with special needs.
Specialized Education
The EMSB provides individualized education plans and self-contained classes tailored for students with special needs and social maladjustments.
An Individualized Education Plan (IEP) is “an essential tool, specially designed on the basis of the evaluation of the abilities and needs of a student with a handicap, social maladjustment or learning disability that targets concerted action to help the student succeed in terms of knowledge, social development and qualifications.” (EMSB Policy Governing the Organization of Educational Services for Students with Handicaps, Social Maladjustments or Learning Disabilities.)
It is a flexible, working document which helps the school and parent/guardian plan for, monitor, evaluate and communicate the student’s growth. The development of the IEP is a team process involving the school principal and staff, the parent(s)/guardian, and the student (where appropriate). Although the principal is responsible for the implementation and periodic evaluation of the IEP, it may be coordinated by a key professional involved with the child (e.g. classroom teacher, resource teacher), and may be facilitated by a Special Education Technician or Attendant.
For more information on IEPs, you can download the brochures below:
Self-contained classes are designed to provide a low teacher/pupil ratio classroom setting for certain special education students whose needs cannot be effectively addressed in a regular classroom setting. The decision to place such a student in a self-contained class is generally taken subsequent to many recommended interventions that have already been incorporated without success with in the regular classroom. As well, the placement of students in the above-mentioned self-contained class is seen as a last resort and, in addition, such a decision is taken after the appropriate consultation with the student’s parents, in-school personnel, and Board-level professionals via a case conference.
The goal for all special needs students, who are serviced via self-contained class model, is ultimately to reintegrate them, where feasible, back into the regular classroom setting with resource services, where deemed appropriate. As well, every effort shall be made to reduce the amount of time that a student spends in the self-contained class by promoting gradual integration into a regular class within the same school.
For more information on our self-contained classes please click the link below: